Saturday, 30 July 2016

30/7/2016 - CES 9 - At last, Variety and Numbers

Cedwyn, Amy and Chris were greeted at 05:30 by this rather spectacular sunrise. The picture hardly does it justice. To get the full effect you should have been there (you could then have helped put the nets up too!).
All nets up by about 06:15, a little later than usual, but this was due to the fact that some of the overnight migrating Sedge Warblers were so keen to be processed that they flew into half erected nets slowing the whole process down. We won't complain as the 3 we caught immediately increased by 100% the seasons total for the species.

The morning continued in the same vein with a seriously good haul of Sedge and Reed Warblers plus a few comparative rarities, These were

Garden Warbler ©AS

Grasshopper Warbler ©AS
The overall session was much improved on both earlier sessions this year and the yearly trend of late,which as you can see from the "Results to Date" section at right, shows that this was the best session for some time. The CES total already greater than last year and we still have 3 sessions to go.

Kenfig always has much of interest and there was also a few other things to see through the morning.
This beetle obviously in a hurry to get to its next popular habitat.

A Poplar Beetle ©AS
An interested visitor to the ringing table (Mark from the Fungi Group) pointed out some rust on Burnett Rose. Not the easiest of things to spot.
and for those (like me) more used to rust on vehicles it's highlighted.

Totals for the day:

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