Thursday, 17 September 2015

Ty'n y Caeau 17/9/2015

After preparing the ride and setting up the net poles last week in rather windy conditions, it was excellent for Cedwyn and Chris to have an early chance at ringing in almost perfect conditions at TyC.  Absolutely no wind and slightly overcast with birds in evidence on arrival we had great hopes and have to say we weren't disappointed.
A slight problem at the start was that the final bamboo pole to be set up broke which meant we only had 1 less 40' net than intended. Total span today was 5x60' & 1x40'. We may have to look into obtaining more poles as the remaining bamboos feel distinctly fragile.
The first two rounds were calm but productive and as said earlier there were plenty of birds, a mixed flock of probably 200 - though my counting of swirling groups of them is not good - see if you can estimate how many from the white dots in the photo below of about half of them that landed in a tree at the bottom corner of the field. Unfortunately only had my iPhone to get a picture.
I'll take a proper camera next time
Anyway the morning picked up quickly and we finally had a total of 89 birds which after recent CES sessions was a real shock to the system. If we'd had the extra net up, we may have had to make excuses to our respective wives for a much later return home than planned.

The catch included this Stonechat which was the first we had actually seen at Ty'n y Caeau.
OK - I was concentrating on the bird not the horizon!

So here's hoping the autumn sessions can keep up this level of entertainmant.

Totals for the day:

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