Saturday, 1 August 2015

CES 9 - Kenfig 30/7/2015 - What No Wind & Birds to ring!

After having to abandon the idea of any ringing for CES 8 it was a relief to be able to put up all the nets for CES 9 with absolutely no wind. It may be a bit picky after the weather we have had to complain that a little less sun would have made the conditions perfect.
Cedwyn and Chris, along with Suze, a welcome visitor, had all the CES nets up by 06:10 and then set about putting the extra 2x18m nets at the west pool slack.
The early net rounds rewarded us with a good catch and each subsequent round brought in a few each time. The CES total of 31 was the best session of the year by far, with 57 birds caught in total, more than 90% being juveniles.
Star bird was the Garden Warbler even if they are a little lacking in exotic plumage.
Garden Warbler
That plumage deficiency was made up for by the the juvenile Willow Warbler that was stunningly yellow in the early morning sun.
Willow Warbler
Totals for the day: