Monday, 9 February 2015

Ty'n y Caeau - 9/2/2015

On what, at first impression, seemed to be a perfect morning for ringing in the end turned out to be a very disappointing event.
Heather, Cedwyn, Charlie, Phil and Chris met at first light to set up the nets at Ty'n y Caeau with a good deal of optimism. The feeder had been filled and about a quarter of the contents had already been taken. There were also plenty of birds seen and heard in the hedge alongside the net run.
However the forecast overcast weather turned into a gloriously sunny morning. The birds were content to simply sit in the hedge apparently sunbathing and by 10:30 we had amassed a grand total of 6.
We took the nets down and looking back to the net run as we cleared away, the birds started darting back and forth from hedge to feeder. They could see  the nets in the sun.

Totals for the day:

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