The weather looked perfect as we arrived just before 06:30 for what we hoped to be a productive session at the farm. We set up the usual set of five nets (2x12m and 3x18m) and as we were feeling confident (or possibly desperate) an extra two (1x12m and 1x18m) next to the feeder store area. By this time the sun had risen and burnt off the cloud and we had a brilliantly sunny day in prospect. However the wind was also starting to gust. A trickle of early birds were led off by a male Linnet
On such a sunny morning it was pleasing to hear a number of Skylarks singing and a pair were in what appeared to be aerial combat in the centre of the field. We decided to do a bit of Skylark chasing so set up 2 more nets at the field margin, with sound, in an attempt catch the birds whose main concentration may be on other pressing matters.
Unfortunately by 11am the wind had become a veritable gale and so we had little option but to pack up. There will be better days.
The slim pickings for the day were:
A third of the catch were target species so not bad. Just need to work on the volume!