Tuesday, 5 June 2018

CES 1 to 4 - Where are all the birds

The CES season has again started very slowly at Kenfig.
The numbers so far have been

CES 1 - 9     (21)             {27}
CES 2 - 11   (11)             {18}
CES 3 - 12   (13)             {22}
CES 4 - 9    (no session)  {23}

other figures are (2017)  {20 year average}

This seems to be reflected in other parts of the country and does raise concerns about the bird populations generally.

We did however manage to take some pictures of a number of birds.

These were caught on the first two sessions when Steve and Kirsty were able to assist.
Thanks to them both and we wish them well in future as they are destined for ringing much further afield from now on.

In session 2 Kirsty spotted a willow warbler hanging about a bush adjacent to our ringing table and then located the nest pictured below.

Interestingly at Session 3 Wayne checked the birds were still there and were lucky enough later in the morning to spot one of the birds fledging. We then checked the nest at the end of the session and they had all departed.

Session 4 was highlighted by these 2 Jay which turned up in the nets twice. They were obviously preoccupied with things other than avian navigation during the morning