Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Ty'n y Caeau - 30/12/2014

For what was likely to be the last ringing session of the year given the predicted weather Chris, Cedwyn and Charlie met at Ty'n Y Caeau at first light.
We set up the the usual run of nets - 2x40 and 3x60 along the field edge.

It was pretty chilly and the wind a little stronger than we would have wished.

We were rewarded with a selection of birds in the first few rounds though the wind got up by about 11am which made it feel significantly colder.

A new species for Chris. a rather smart Fieldfare.

Plus we had a handful of Yellowhammer that we had varying degrees of difficulty sexing.

Totals for the Morning:

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Kestrel and Redwings

Dave, Heather, Cedwyn and Charlie went ringing at Ty'n-y-caeau Farm this morning. With 22 birds caught it was a case of quality over quantity again.

Redwing - 12
Blackbird - 3 (2 new and 1 retrap)
Dunnock - 2 (both retraps)
Chaffinch - 1
Greenfinch - 1
Linnet - 1
Blue tit - 1
Kestrel - 1

The redwings and kestrel were new for the farmland bird project. The kestrel would have been a ringing tick for all four ringers so Dave pulled rank! Pictures by Charlie.