Friday, 31 January 2014

Wednesday 22nd - Kenfig

Introductory Session

Heather, Cedwyn and Chris at Kenfig NNR this time with a new trainee having an introductory session.
Numbers of birds were rather low, but at least he was able to get involved with the nets being set. 78 metres of nets for just 4 birds is a lot of effort. With 3 Blue Tits he was able to see how feisty the little things can be. The other bird was a Robin.

January 14th - First Session of 2014

A Cold Morning at Kenfig  

After waiting for a couple weeks the weather at last lets us get out for the first ringing session of 2014 at Kenfig NNR. Ice was the order of the day with us having to break through it to get around to the usual ringing rides west of the pool. We set up three 18 metre nets in the CES ride and two 12 metre nets in the scrub  ride , west pool slack (WPS).

Male Goldcrest


The total for the session was as follows (new birds/re-traps) Blue Tit (0/2) Chiffchaff (1/0) Goldcrest (1/1) Long Tailed-Tit (0/1) Robin (1/2).

I told you it was cold
Thanks to Cedwyn Davies for the pictures